(855) 746-2455, (855) RIO-BILL
1656 East 12th St 2nd FL
Brooklyn, NY 11229

EMR/EHR Integration

EMR/EHR Integration

EMR/EHR systems are becoming one of the most important aspects of medical business. These systems help physicians in many ways. We are integrated with many top of the line EMR/EHR systems which are completely free to all of our clients. Also we are able to provide billing & collection services to physicians that are already using EMR/EHR system by integrating that system with our billing and practice management software.

Benefits of using EMR/EHR systems
  • Run a paperless practice
  • Organize your patients file
  • Create better charts by using many professional templates
  • Pass any chart auditing by proving insurance companies great patient documentation
  • Electronic Prescriptions.