(855) 746-2455, (855) RIO-BILL
1656 East 12th St 2nd FL
Brooklyn, NY 11229

Electronic Prescriptions

Electronic Prescriptions

More and more physicians across the U.S. are using electronic prescription services, and this is a trend that both doctors and patients can benefit from. Using electronic prescriptions, or 
“e-prescribing,” is more convenient as well as more accurate than the old method of calling in prescriptions to pharmacies or writing them out on paper to give to the patient.

We offer electronic prescription software for physicians in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

Many times, patients lose paper prescriptions, or sometimes the prescription is either not called in or is called in to the wrong pharmacy.

For the patient, e-prescriptions mean less of a wait for the medications they need, a faster and often automatic refill process, less time spent on hold with the doctor’s office or pharmacy, and more accurate dosing instructions.

Our electronic prescription process also benefits the physician in many ways:
  • Eliminates pulling patient charts and manually calling in prescription refills 
to pharmacies, so your staff spends less time on prescription refill requests.
  • Provides interactive maps that help you instantly look up pharmacies by proximity 
to the practice or patient address.
  • Receives refill requests directly from the pharmacy.
  • Makes it easier to authorize an emergency refill for a patient who is out of town 
and forgot important medications.
  • Stores patient details such as contact info, insurance info and allergies for future reference.
  • Allows you to see if the patient has indeed filled the prescription.
Our electronic prescription service eliminates those problems and solves a lot of others as well.

Contact us today if you’re ready to experience the convenience of e-prescribing in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut, or click “Become a Client” below!

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